FLUMIGARD® SC HERBICIDE Speed, Spectrum & Flexibility All-in-One! FLUMIGARD® SC Herbicide brings rapid knockdown to your weed control program, is tank-mix…
FLUMIGARD® WDG HERBICIDE FLUMIGARD® WDG Herbicide, the NEW standard in aquatic and terrestrial plant control. FLUMIGARD® WDG Herbicide provides fast and…
PROMENADE® SC HERBICIDE Promenade® SC Herbicide, a new liquid formulation of flumioxazin, offers the same excellent weed control you expect from…
PROMENADE® XTL Promenade® XTL conveniently packs the power of 12 ounces of Promenade® WDG and 4 ounces of Laramie® 25DF…